Rafał Styczeń
Wind Mobile on Warsaw Stock Exchange
Wind Mobile successfully executed it IPO June despite turmoil times on the financial markets. It sold shares amounting for 5 mln zl reaching market cap of 30 mln zl. The first quotation (debiut) will take place on October 12th on Warsaw Stock Exchange. We will report live. Check wind mobile webpage. The company developes according to its plan and forecast. It just announced the introduction of new media the HalloAds, which will allow marketing spots on ring-back-tones (RBT). (Instead of hearing beep-beep while witing for a connection we will be able to play new great and cool marketing spots or music as it is now.) As of August Wind Mobile had 21,3 mln unique users and plays 7,7 bln music RBTs per month which amounts to 48,10 years of music. Isn’t it a nice medium? And the beauty is you listen to it very attentively. Wind Mobile is collecting first partners to start the pilot program. Get in touch with them if you are interested in using a very effective and innovative advertising tool.