Rafał Styczeń
ShootAR - Augmented Reality Game
IIF makes its investment very selective. After one year of searching and investigating the gaming sector we are happy to announce our first investment. We became shareholder Future Reality Games Company developing ShootAR an augmented reality FPS (first person shooter) game. It is a shooter game that people can play with each other using their smartphones and its intergrated cameras with weapons, maps, strategies augmented in real time. Take a look how playing the game looks like here.
Augmented Reality is coming to games and other areas of UI very fast. Recent issue of MIT Technology Review adresses the case featuring ShootAR as one example of future games.
I have been posting about a vision of a game like this in May 2010 (Dinozaury w telefonie), as well as I have seen other taking about it, eg Fred Wilson of Union Square Ventures. A film presenting an idea of that king Future FPS on you tube (see it here) released Dec 2010 has reached over 21 mln views! I am specially proud that we were able to find one developed in Poland, Krakow. It realy looks like Poland is becoming a player in gaming.
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