Our greatest value is our companies’ success

Rafał Styczeń

IIF invests in Kompan.pl

I am pleased to announce that after 1.5 years from starting to raise our new fund (Internet Ventures FIZ) we started closing first investments. Today IIF announced the investment in Kompan.pl. Kompan.pl is the market leader in Internet advertising specializing in Search Engine Marketing and Search Engine Optimization. Founded in 2004 is very dynamically developing on polish market. It’s revenues for last year reached 12 mln zl. 
We invested 6 mln zl with the aim to further develop the company in the CEE region and to foster it’s new product lines.

Wind Mobile is going public

Rafał Styczeń 09/06/2011

Wind Mobile S.A.  is going public in June. The company will not make a huge offer, because it’s core shareholders ( IIF  &  Intel ) want to keep control over the company...


Mobile Internet

Rafał Styczeń 22/12/2010

Mobile Internet is comming in big steps. Many of us are uderestimating the impact it will have on our life and economy. Imagine 1991 when first GSM call was made people did...


Check Politicians How They Vote

Rafał Styczeń 22/12/2011

We see now in US a big debate about SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) - the freedom and censorship of internet. Individual people, not only politicians, are seriously involved in the debate. They are creating tracking tools to see how congress will vote.... more

Kiedy nie opłaca się pozyskać inwestora?

Łukasz Juśkiewicz 28/01/2011

Odpowiedź wydaje się oczywista ? wtedy kiedy wartość pakietu udziałów założyciela spółki, która nie pozyskała inwestora, jest większa niż wartość udziałów tego założyciela w spółce, która inwestora pozyskała. Skoro modelowo problem... more

Customer on a platter… or new trends in advertising

Łukasz Juśkiewicz 01/07/2011

  Advertising is a leverage for the trade – that Polish saying had not been put much in practice until recently. Currently it is living its second youth.  It has been a long time since advertising was so closely linked with sales. We witnessed a... more
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